A new colleague joined our IT team. Her name was Millie and she smelled nice. The guys and I quickly analyzed her, noting she was a blonde with a great figure and a toned backside. But what puzzled us was how a blonde could have the brains for a developer position—honestly, we half-expected she'd just be making coffee. However, since we already had a coffee machine, it was clear that Millie was hired to code alongside us, and she was pretty good at it.
It was obvious that Millie caught everyone’s eye. As I mentioned, she had a stunning look and a sweet smile. I was single at the time, so I thought I might have a shot with her. For a girl like that, I'd go to the Moon and back. But I didn’t want to cause any tension with the guys on the team.
There were twelve of us. Four were married. I was single, as usual, so I told them they were out of the running since they already had someone warming their beds at home. I just had a hot water bottle. If there had been more women joining, sure, we could’ve divided them up, but since it was just one, the married guys had to step aside.
We also had two gay guys, Ricky and Mickey. I never had to worry about any rivalry with them or even hint at anything, despite the fact that they were popular with everyone, especially the girls.
Zdenda holku asi měl. Aspoň teda ji vyvenčil na podnikovým večírku a neskučel, že by se kdy rozešli. Peťa snad ukecal na rande nějakou studentku nebo co, ale Tonda, Jirka a Vašek neměli taky nikoho, protože brouzdali po seznamkách a občasně organizovali hromadnou návštěvu klubu, kde si gentlemani vybírají ladies na baru a cena je smluvní podle toho, jakou delikatesu si z hot menu vyberete.
Zeke seemed to have a girlfriend; he had brought her to our company party and hadn’t mentioned any breakup since. Paul apparently scored a date with some undergrad, but Tony, George, and Jimmy were also single, mostly browsing dating apps and sometimes organizing group trips a club, where a gentleman could select a lady at the bar and the price would be contracted according to which delicacy you chose from the hot menu.
So, I figured we might have to draw straws to see who’d make a move on her, because us guys don't sleep with our friend's girl, unless it was by mutual agreement that the friend would graciously let us have her after they broke up.
It was nearing twelve o'clock, so we were off to lunch to settle the matter there. Anyway, I finally gathered the courage to ask her to join us, although my courage was initially hidden somewhere under my desk, possibly in the trash bin, and I had to dig around for a long time to find it. Asking her to lunch wasn’t a big deal, especially since she had already noticed me ogling her. I really needed to get a grip on my runaway hormones because the ogling always gives me away.
She shut me down, saying Tony had already asked her, and I got mad at him for being such a meddling brat.
After I suppressed my jealousy, I informed her that we all go to lunch together. I also wanted her to know that if she ever needed anything, she just needed to let me know. I mean, I could really help her out. Not to brag, but once we got a ticket that no one knew how to solve, and I was the only one who could come up with a solution. But Millie didn’t have time for that story in that moment, so she cut me off and praised me for being awesome and smart, even though she had no idea how tricky that ticket was. But I felt like she was just trying to brush me off.
At lunch, it turned out that she not only had a great figure but also a sense of humor and an interest in sports. She even knew how Manchester had played on Sunday. She asked if we had watched their last winning match against Liverpool.
Apart from Ricky and Mickey, we’re all football fans, including our boss. But he usually has lunch with the other managers, so he couldn’t join our passionate, well- informed discussion.
I deeply regretted that I hadn't seen the match, because that day after work I first threw a kebab into my stomach on my way home, and then I threw my exhausted body and brain straight into the bed, where I passed out until the morning. The guys were surprised I didn’t watch the replay first thing in the morning, but I hadn't had the time, because I overslept as usual. But mostly we were all amazed that Millie watched football, supposedly right from a VIP box at the stadium. We couldn't understand it at all.
Na vysvětlenou všechny uzemnila oznámením, že ji tam bere Robin, náš šéf. Takový luxusní doplněk na tribunu na fotbal bychom si taky nechali líbit, nicméně nám všem sklaplo a všichni jsme se s ní najednou ze šoku přestali bavit a taky mezi sebou, takže nastalo trapný ticho. Bylo jí to divný, tak se zeptala, co se děje. Tonda v tu chvíli přihlouple poznamenal, že nevěděl, že se Robin rozvedl, ale společensky dodal, že se mu nediví, že on by taky dal slečně Helče přednost.
Her explanation stunned everyone, as she announced that Robin, our boss, was taking her there. We would have loved such a luxurious accompaniment to the football stand too, but we all got discouraged and stopped talking to her and to each other out of shock, so there was an awkward silence. She noticed the strange vibe and asked what was going on. Tony cluelessly commented that he hadn’t known Robin was divorced but gallantly added that he couldn’t blame him; after all, anyone would love to be with someone like Millie.
She seemed surprised to hear that Robin was married and then burst out laughing, explaining that she’s his distant niece and had no idea about his marriage. I was relieved she was still single, so I decided to make my move before Tony could. I asked her boldly and in front of everyone like a real man if she would go to the cinema with me.
She responded unusually quickly and firmly with a yes. I didn’t expect that, nor did the guys. I immediately pulled out my phone and let her pick a movie so I could reserve tickets for that same evening.
She showed up right on time. The movie was a romantic tear-jerker, a real treat for a woman’s brain, but she wasn’t paying attention at all. She kept checking her phone, completely ignoring the passionate scenes on screen. I thought maybe she was nervous, so I reached for her hand, but she pulled away.
After the movie, she asked if I could drive her home. Of course, I had polished and vacuumed my car that afternoon, so I confidently let her in and explained the whole story about that tricky ticket on the way. I felt like a king. I had never managed to ask a girl out so easily before, just like that. I was hopeful that luck would stay on my side and that soon she’d invite me to her place to check out her bed, though she started checking her watch instead of her phone. I wondered if her dad was waiting for her.
To my surprise, it wasn’t her dad waiting outside her house—it was our boss Robin, her uncle. I recognized his flashy gold Mercedes. She noticed him too and suddenly rested her head on my shoulder, but then he stormed over, yanked open my door, and pulled me out by my shirt. He yelled that I should forget about Millie and that I should pack my things the next day and go to hell and that I should be glad my nose was still in one piece.
So there I was, sent to hell without even knowing why and without having had any fun. I got back behind the wheel and glanced in the rearview mirror. It turns out their whole family is pretty aggressive because Millie slapped him right after that.
Maybe it was to get justice for me. It was sweet of her. I would have never expected a girl to stand up for a guy she had just been on her first and last date with.